Friday, June 14, 2013

Quick "Raw" Oatmeal Cookie Dough

I remember when I was back in college, a friend of mine was doing a fast called the Daniel fast.  She was only allowed to consume fruits, veggies, beans and nuts.  I think that was the moment I was introduced to my current vegan diet for the first time.
Well, she came walking down the hall with this bowl of "cereal", but it looked like oatmeal and cookie dough mixed together.  Once she gave me the recipe, I remember eating that thing everyday for weeks and weeks on end!  almost ten years later, it is still one of my favorite go-to's for when I want a healthy cookie for breakfast. :)
Thanks Michelle for sharing this discovery with me!

"Raw" Oatmeal Cookie Dough 
*gluten free (if using certified gluten free oats)
*nut free (if substituting with sunflower seed butter)

1 ripe banana
1-2 Tbsp peanut butter (or any other butter you prefer)
1/4-1/2 c of quick or regular rolled oats (depending on how chunky or thick you like it; you can add    more if you prefer)
couple pinches of raisins
1-2 Tbsp vegan chocolate chips (optional)

1.  Mash the banana well to form a nice paste, then mix in the peanut butter.
2.  Throw remaining ingredients in, mix well and devour!

~I like to eat my bowl of dough drowned in soy milk like scotch porridge is eaten.  I love it that way, it's just like eating cookie dough and milk!

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